Sunday, January 22, 2006

Damned Box set DVD's

This rant is for all the crappy studio released DVD sets that absolutely suck in quality. This time its UNIVERSALS "The Hammer Horror Series" 8 Hammer classics on 2 double sided DVDs. With Macrovision. Spit. They dont play on all my DVD players. Just like the MUMMY Collection has fits with different players. The Paramount FRIDAY THE 13th DVD COLLECTION also sucks. What is it with the collections that make these DVDs tempermental? Is it because the cheap studios cut costs, and compress too many movies, along with Macrovision , on too few disks. Im pissed. I love the Hammer Horror classics like Night Creatures, and Phantom of the Opera, but these shitty DVDs wont play in all my different DVD players. Thats piss poor.